“At every stage of life, you should be a rookie at something.”

A while ago, I discovered the quote above by Chris Dionigi, Ph.D. It speaks to me because I embrace life-long learning. No matter our expertise, how accomplished we are, or how old we’re fortunate to become, there is always room to learn new things. It’s what keeps life energized. How we discover what we love. It leads us to fresh experiences and new communities; encourages exploration of unknown paths. Curiosity is such a gift!
Along with my passion for expanding the presence of the arts in our schools and communities, I’m especially supportive of social justice issues, animal welfare, the environment, history, and ultimately using the power of the visual and the written to drive positive change. As a communications professional, I create stories using graphic design principles, writing, editing, and constant observation. I’m committed to uncluttered, clean design, and keeping the world safe from typos.
Brooklyn-born and raised, I’m proud of my city roots. The shore, the Berkshires, the Hudson Valley, and New Milford, CT are my escapes. Books, jazz, autumn, and the color red switch on my creative energy.